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Bike Adventure Raid 2006

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Prisijungė: 2006 10 26
Pranešimai: 3
Pranešimų per dieną: 0

PranešimasParašytas: 2006-10-26, 03:00    Rašyti temą: Bike Adventure Raid 2006 Atsakyti su citata

It's not about OS, it's about adventure racing - sport where ORIENTEERING is essential... Smile
Two days left till deadline of application to BIKE ADVENTURE RAID 2006! Adventure race / bike rally will take place in Latvia on November 4-5.

56 teams have applied to race (4 persons per team and only mixed class!) ...

Date: November 4-5, 2006
Place: Vidzeme, Latvia
Race time: 24 hours
Race course: 130 km (approximate if done by optimal course)
Team: 4 members, both genders must be present
Race format: non-stop, unsupported
Disciplines: biking, trekking, orienteering, special tasks
Navigation: orienteering by map and by legend
Checkpoints: SPORTident electronic control system
Organizer: IK Adventure Company, +371 2923 4322, (Normunds Lisovskis and Guntars Mankus)

Event is suitable and interesting for all from novices till experienced.

Race cource ~130 km in 24 hours, mostly by bike but with some trekking/orienteering sections and special tasks (rope tasks). And organizers promise very interesting and challenging navigation using all kind of legends: traditional ones, speed (!) legends, legends with photos etc, some puzzles of orienteering...

And event will start in Riga on Friday evening with "pre-party" (it can be skipped off course but might be fun to come!). And by the way: cheap hostel type accomodation is available for Friday night (after "pre-party in race center some 60 km from Riga (Vidzeme direction). Race start: Saturday at 12.00.
Race finishes on Sunday at 12.00 with lunch and prize giving ceremony as usual

Full info: http://www.raid.lv

Welcome to BAR '2006!
Normunds / RAID.lv
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