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"100 Years of LATVIA 100 Controls in SMILTENE

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Autorius Pranešimas
Vilius A.

Prisijungė: 2004 10 24
Pranešimai: 1974
Pranešimų per dieną: 0.28
Miestas: Panevys | Vilnius

PranešimasParašytas: 2018-10-04, 14:21    Rašyti temą: "100 Years of LATVIA 100 Controls in SMILTENE Atsakyti su citata

Laba diena,

Draugai iš Latvijos kvieĄia Į smagias varžybas:

"100 Years of LATVIA 100 Controls in SMILTENE

I. Goals

 To enhance orienteering in Smiltene Municipality , involving local
community, orienteers from the whole Latvia and abroad.
 To find out best orienteers in age groups.
 To contribute to the 100 th anniversary of Latvia through one of the most
popular sports in Smiltene vicinity.
II. Organizers

 The event is organized by orienteering club Azimuts in cooperation with
Smiltene Municipality Council.
 Chief referee: Aldis Lapiš (phone +37126555541)
 Start referee: Mris Stabiš
 Entries, IT services: Mrtiš Mrcis Leimanis (phone +37125677774, e-mail:
 Course manager: Aldis Lapiš

III. Venue and time

The event takes place in Smiltene, November 3, 2018. The event centre situated
at Smiltene Sports Stadium, arrival from Valka highway.
IV. Schedule

9.20 Registration is opened
10.20 Opening ceremony
10.30 Map distribution
11.00 Mass start for all classes
13.00 Control time for 2-hour race ends (classes S14, V14, S16, V16)
14.00 Control time for 3-hour race ends (all the rest classes)
14.30 Prize giving


V. Participation classes

 S14 (girls born in 2004 or after) control time 2 hours
 V14 (boys born in 2004 or after) control time 2 hours
 S16 (girls born in 2002 or after) control time 2 hours
 V16 (boys born in 2002 or after) control time 2 hours
 S21A women open class control time3 hours
 V21A men open class control time3 hours
 S40 (born in 1978 or earlier) control time 3.hours
 V40 (born in 1978 or earlier) control time 3.hours
 S50 (born in 1968 or earlier) control time 3.hours
 V50 (born in 1968 or earlier) control time 3.hours
 S60 (born in 1958 or earlier) control time 3.hours
 V60 (born in 1968 or earlier) control time 3.hours
(at least 2 members)
 S21A
 V21A
 S40
 V40
 S50
 V50
 S60
 V60
 Girls - born in 2002 or after
 Boys born in 2002 or after
 MIX any type of team composition
 Family - at least one member under 18 years of age
 MIX youth ( boys and girls born in 2002 or after)
Control time for all teams 3 hours
There are at least 2 members in each of the teams mentioned above.
There are only 2 SI cards per each team.
Number of vacancies on the start day is limited.
The goal is to visit as many controls as possible during the control time.
The sequence and number of controls is planned by each team or individual

VI. Entries


Individuals or teams can make entries before October 29 by email:
, indicating Participant s name, surname, start class, club or
team name, the number of personal SI card (capacity of SI cards listed below)
SI-5: Numbers 1 to 499999 capacity 30 controls,
SI-6: Numbers 500000 to 999999 capacity 64 controls,
SI-8: Numbers 2000000 to 2999999 capacity 30 controls,
SI-9: Numbers 1000000 to 1999999 capacity 50 controls,
SI-10: Numbers 700000 to 7999999 capacity 128 controls,
SI-11: Numbers 9000001 to 9999999 capacity 128 controls
SIAC1: Numbers 8000001 to 8999999 capacity 128 controls
Participants who have made entries but have not started are obliged to pay 50%
of the start fee.

VII. Start fees

Entries before October 29 for youth and pensioners 1 per participant.
Other age groups 3 per participant
SI card rent (capacity at least 100 controls - SI 10 or 11) - 1 per card. Entries after
October 29 are subject to increased fee.
For entries made on November 3, start fee increased by 50%..
In case of a lost hired SI card reimbursement of full card value - 60.

VIII. Map and terrain

The map prepared in 2017-2018, scale 1:10 000, contours 2.5m. Mapmakers:
Aldis Lapiš, Mris Strautnieks, Krlis Magons. Terrain: forests around the town of
Smiltene, an abundant net of roads and paths, a few forest rides. Terrain: forms; -
medium hills, detailed contours in some areas. There are mostly coniferous forests,
not many marshes and bogs. Two rivers: Abuls and Mutulte can be crossed by
bridges. There are two bigger roads and streets with car traffic to be beware of.

IX. Punching

Punching is done by Sportident (SIAC not activated). Every control has 1 point value!

X. Scoring system

Each of the visited controls gives the individual or the team one point. Each
control can be visited only once. The winner is the individual or the team with most
scored points. In case two or more competitors have equal number of points, the
individual or team with the fastest time wins.
To score points, each team should punch the respective control in a minutes
time. NB! However, there is an alternative: two team members can plan their routes
and visit the controls separately. The points are summed in this case.


Control time 2 hours for classes S,V 14 and S,V 16 individuals, for other classes
3 hours. It is allowed to finish before the control time is over.
If an individual or a team has finished after the control time has expired, one
point is deducted from the score for each full or not full minute. If a team or an
individual is late for more than 15 minutes, the total score is 0. If two members of a
team have run separately, the last finishing participants time is considered as the
finish time. Only the points scored during control time are valid.
If any of team members has to withdraw from the competition, the team returns
to the competition centre and it is considered as finished.
XI. Prize giving
Each participant is awarded a memorial prize.
First three in each individual class receive medals.
First three teams in each class receive medals (no more than 4 medals per team,
if there are more team members, memorial prizes are awarded).

XII. Payment details

Payments can be settled both by registration on site in cash or by bank transfer. If
an invoice is necessary, please email to:
Phone +37126377854 - Antra
Beneficiary: Biedrba Orientšans sporta klubs "Azimuts
Address: Galdnieku iela 14, Smiltene, Smiltenes novads, LV-4729
Bank: A/SSEB Banka, Smiltenes filile, kods UNLALV2X
Registration number: 40008184365
Account number: LV66UNLA0050018356525
XIII. Rules and safety

Rogaining rules are to be observed.
Traffic rules are obligatory for all the participants. Be careful on streets and
roads! Olive green areas are out of bonds. Please respect privacy of landowners!
GPS and other devices are forbidden!

XIV. Other

Each participant is responsible for their health and safety as well as for
cleanliness and order.
Medical assistance is available. Refreshments and snacks will be offered after
finish. WC and warm showers are available.


XV. Organizers rights
Organizers have right to change details of this REGULATION.
Organizers may disqualify participants for violation of regaining rules or this
Organizers have right to use materials filmed and/or photographed during the
event for marketing purposes.
If an individual or a team does not start, entry fees are not returned.

OK "Azimuts: www.okazimuts.lv
Information phone +37126377854 (ENG,RUS) - Antra
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