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Siguldas Kauss 2024 WRE Kalna Malli

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Prisijungė: 2018 07 19
Pranešimai: 6
Pranešimų per dieną: 0

PranešimasParašytas: 2024-07-25, 08:20    Rašyti temą: Siguldas Kauss 2024 WRE Kalna Malli Atsakyti su citata

Organisers are proud to invite you to the Siguldas Kauss 2024 WRE Kalna Maļļi – this is two days orienteering competition event near Sigulda! http://siguldastakas.lv/siguldaskauss2024
On August 10-11, 2024, all lovers of chalanging orienteering are invited to "Kalna Maļli" of Līgatne parish and the vicinity Nītaures forests, where the 2024 Latvian Cup stage in orienteering sports – Siguldas Kauss 2024 WRE will be held in the interesting forests full of landforms.
We will offer the participants a two-day format competition: on the first day - MIDDLE distance, on the second day - LONG distance.
Sigulda Kauss 2024 2nd day - Long distance - is an IOF World Ranking event (IOF WRE - International Orienteering Federation - World Ranking Event) and it gives an opportunity for W21E and M21E group runners to get points in the IOF world ranking.
This year, Sigulda Kauss participants are invited to the vast and deep forests, valleys, swamps of Nītaure. Courses will also go along the slopes of the left bank of the Līgatne river. This year, the competition center will be located in the homestead "Kalna Malli", Līgatne parish and can be reached by a good country road 9km from Augšlīgatne, 20km from Sigulda.
Competition participants are welcome to spend a beautiful weekend in Sigulda, enjoy its cultural life and natural beauty. You can find out more about what is happening in Sigulda in general and during the competition weekend here: https://tourism.sigulda.lv/en/ and http://sigulda.lv/.
We invite you to stay longer in Sigulda after or before the competition weekend, as weekly orienteering competitions are also held in the area (http://siguldastakas.lv/kompass2024/ and http://meridians.lv/), which you can visit as part of your summer vacation In Sigulda!
Valdis Janovs, Sigulda Kauss 2024 Kalna Malli WRE Competition Director Kaspars Kārkliņš, Siguldas Kauss 2024 Kalna Malli WRE Chief Judge
Welcome to Sigulda!
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